TerraClues for Schools



The 7 Continents - Beginner

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Popularity Score: 41
There are seven continents, or large land masses on the planet Earth. Can you find each continent on the map?

Tip: Once you find a continent, try clicking the "Satellite" button on the map to see what it looks like from outer space.

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Clue #1 of 7

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To start looking, pan the map using your mouse or use the search box above.

List of Clues

Clue #1 - Not Solved - Africa

Clue #2

Clue #3

Clue #4

Clue #5

Clue #6

Clue #7


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Nice hunt for junior/intermediate students learning about the continents.

Rating: 4 / 5


Rating: 4 / 5

Camp SIP

Great for primary students or use as introductory hunt.

Rating: 5 / 5


This was much to easy

Rating: 3 / 5


Rating: 4 / 5

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